Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

If I never knew you

Lagi beberes kamar, kembali menemui barang-barang yang sudah lama ga pernah terlihat atau dipakai [kamar atau gudang yah? hehehe...]. Tapi yang menyenangkan, saya menemukan kembali tulisan, coretan saya di kertas file yg saya kumpulin jaman kuliah dulu. Dimana tulisan itu saya buat waktu kuliah, kalau saya merasa ngantuk banget sama mata kuliahnya..hehehe...[no wonder, I needed more years than everyone else :p]. Selain tulisan-tulisan itu, saya juga menemukan foto-foto lama dan My Disney Soundtrack Album. I've been looking everywhere, it is there!! At the bottom of my drawer. God, I love this album!!

Saya suka banget sama lagu-lagu Disney, walaupun saya ga suka sama filmnya. I don't like cartoon movies. I don't know why, I'm just not interested in it. Even since I was a child. Tapi lagu-lagunya terasa romantis bwat saya...hehehe..

Me? romantic? naaaa... :p

It looks like not me at all...hehehe. Well, actually I'm a romantic person, but I rather keep it just for me [and since I have problem sharing it with other people :p].

Jadi sambil ditemani secangkir teh manis panas [yes, I'm a tea addict!!] mulailah diriku membaca coretan yang pernah saya buat dulu [I can't imagine I could write something like this, was it me who wrote this?? hehehe] plus diiringi lagu-lagu Disney Soundtrack.

Sampai pada soundtrack Pocahontas, saya tempat tertegun sebentar mendengar liriknya. I don't know because of the lyrics, the sound of the music or the singers' voice [thumbs up for Jon Secada and Shanice].

If I never knew you
If I never felt this love
I would have no inkling of
How precious life can be
And if I never held you
I would never have a clue
How at last I'd find in you
The missing part of me
In this world so full of fear
Full of rage and lies
I can see the truth so clear
In your dry your eyes...
And I'm so grateful to you
I have lived my whole life through
Lost forever
If I never knew you

The lyrics are great...I love 'em!

Membuat saya semakin menyadari bahwa begitu banyak hal, orang yang telah membuat saya seperti sekarang ini. Begitu banyak kejadian yang membuat saya berpikir, sadar bahwa it's so great being me. Terlepas dari bentuk kejadian tersebut, apakah menyenangkan, membahagiakan ataupun menyedihkan serta menyakitkan. Selalu ada yang bisa saya ambil dari kejadian tersebut. Demikian juga dengan orang-orangnya. I've been showered, surrounded by love. Any kind of love. Love that makes me stand tall, stay strong through it all. Yes, I've been hurt before, but who hasn't? Everybody must feel that. But, in the end, we learn something from that 'hurt'.

If I never knew them...I might never know how precious life can be....

Thanks for being there for me

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